The Meaning of Life

Over Twenty years and
Thousands of bucks on books,
I crammed so hard
But now know nothing;
It felt like all my time was
Spent on Studying.
I studied on weekdays,
I studied on holidays;
All I feel I had done was study…
But when I look back now,
I remember playing, and I remember losing;
I remember laughing, I remember crying;
But I can hardly remember studying.

Years henceforth,
I might work, I might earn,
I might save and I might build;
But when my time comes,
My memories will be that of the days
I spent thinking of what I want to do;
The evenings that I spend
Just gazing at a tree for hours;
Or those aimless night strolls
Just for a breath of fresh air;
Internalizing and just existing
As a being
Is the highest order of my life
And maybe that is the meaning
Of my life.