Her First Cry

There he stands
Waiting for the birth of his child
A face not seen
Yet dearly loved.

For whom plans were ready,
For whom life was to be lived
With infinite thoughts in his mind
Excitement, desire and hopes.

The wait was probably over
For the sweet sound he finally heard
Like A hundred chirping birds
& the ringing temple bells
-Her first cry!

Proud he was of his bold and beautiful wife
Brushing aside her tresses
He could barely hold on to the tears
That ran down his cheek while he carried his new angel!
The endearing bundle of magnanimous joy,
The twinkle from her half-closed eyes
The warmth she gave when he cuddled her,
Arousing the protector in him
As her loving fingers curled around his,
And finally her smile that lit up his world..
The dawn of a new era, a date
He would remember for eternity…….\